Home maintenance tips for summer

With the lighter evenings allowing us to spend more quality time at home and in our gardens over the next few months – when the rain isn’t around! – it’s time to check your home is summer ready! Here are some top tips for getting your home in tip top shape this summer.
The first mow
With the growing trend of ‘no mow May’ putting a pause in our gardening plans in early summer, once June arrives it’s important to make sure you treat your garden kindly, as what you do next will have an impact across the remainder of the summer months.
Cutting your grass can be a hugely therapeutic exercise. Our tip for a successful first grass cut of the summer would be to take your time and bring the height of your grass down slowly to avoid ‘shocking’ the grass and leaving patches throughout your lawn.
This may mean having to mow your lawn on multiple occasions on the same day, or over the course of a few days or a week, but the results will be well worth the wait. Once your grass is looking even, lush and green, you can begin to accessorise. Relaxing rattan garden furniture for the adults, and a new swingball set for the kids are always popular choices – but why not get into the spirit of ‘football fever’ this summer with a new goal set, and if you really want to show your love for the beautiful game, try adding some football pitch stripes across your lawn!
Check your windows and doors
Having likely kept them firmly shut during the winter months, you may notice your windows have been neglected when you go to open them for the first time in the summer. Letting a cool breeze and fresh air into your home has many benefits, so it’s important to show your windows and doors some TLC as the summer rolls in.
Check the locks, handles and fittings are all working well, and use a damp cloth to remove any excess grime built up during the winter period. Give all your windows and French doors a good clean using a glass cleaning product and squeegee so every time you look out from your home to the (hopefully) sunshine outside, your view is crystal clear.
Welcome summer inside and out
With your windows thrown open, it’s time to make your home feel summery inside too with some indoor plants. Keep plants in your kitchen, your living room, bedrooms and indeed your bathroom – real or fake – and when the extended daylight and sunlight reflect off them, your home will be full of leafy summer vibes.
Outside, give your patio and/or your decking areas a good scrub before bringing out your furniture from the garage or shed. Ensure your BBQ, if you have one, isn’t too close to any fencing or greenery, and keep your garden space protected from food and drink spills or add extra underfoot comfort by laying garden rugs or mats which are easy to clean and can be rolled up and stored away when summer comes to a close.
Keep cool indoors
Keeping your home cool during the summer months, after months of trying to keep warm during the winter, is very important to make sure all members of the household – including any children and pets - enjoy the summer period.
For dog owners, kitchen spaces are a safe haven for furry friends during the warmer months. The cool tiles under their bellies can help regulate their body temperature, which can be enhanced further by purchasing cool mats. Keeping their bowls full with cool tap water all day will also ensure they stay relaxed.
Bedrooms can be kept cool by keeping windows closed and blinds and/or curtains drawn down during the warmest periods of the day, making for a more comfortable sleep on those arm summer nights.
For those who work from home, consider moving your regular home working set up closer to your French doors, enabling you to almost work outside with the doors kept open, without running the risk of your laptop overheating in the sun.
How are you preparing for enjoying the summer in your home? Let us know on Instagram using #MyMillerHome.