How to create the perfect picture wall
Picture walls are a real interior design statement and it’s not hard to see why. Not only are they an amazing way to add colour and personality into a room, they also fill up a blank area and showcase some of our most treasured memories and favourite art pieces. And the best part is they’re really affordable, and there’s no need to pick up a paint brush!
While we’ve all seen plenty of picture walls on our social feeds and in our favourite interior magazines, there is knack to creating an eye-catching and beautiful display. To help you design your dream picture wall, Karen the founder of Hoos Glasgow, a lifestyle and homewares store, shares her top tips below.
Decide on the room.
The first thing you need to consider when creating a picture wall is what wall you’re going to use. According to Karen, a picture wall works best when they can be the focal point of a room. For example, empty spaces above a bed or staircase, or even in the bathroom work perfectly. Whereas placing a picture wall next to shelving could make the room look cluttered and full.
Find the right pieces.
There is no rule on what you should display, but for Karen, the most inspiring walls are those that showcase meaningful art and photographs. Incorporate things which are personal and memories you treasure, as this will help create a bespoke display.
It might take time and patience, rummaging through all your photographs and finding pieces of art which have a meaning to you, but the wait will be worth it. Maybe it could be a handful of black and white photos from a trip to the beach and some special pictures drawn by the kids.
The frames.
The frames you choose will have a significant impact on your picture wall. If you would prefer to have clean lines and a more minimal feel, then using multiple frames which are the same would be best for you. For example, thin black frames spaced evenly apart in rows can create a sleek yet spectacular display.
If you’re looking for a more eclectic feel, then using different shaped frames and colours will help. Enjoy looking in charity shop windows and visiting different home stores to find your perfect frames. Using a variety of different shapes can also really help bring character to the display.
The layout.
Now that you’ve gathered your collection, it’s time to decide on the layout. The main thing to consider is whether you would like neat rows or an organic arrangement. Spacing is also an important thing to consider with uniformed spacing recommended as it provides a cohesive and natural feel, for example two inches between each frame.
A key tip from Karen is to play around with the frames on the floor, moving pieces around until you are completely happy with the layout. It might mean that you need to add or take away prints or find a different frame. If you are still not 100% sure on the layout, you can always mark it out on the wall using masking tape and craft paper – this will help you envision the final look.
Once you are ready to move the prints to the wall, make sure you have a tape measure and a pencil. The key is to start in the centre and work your way out.
You might find it helpful to mark lightly where the top corners of the frames will be along with the picture hook. Hanging the frames is the trickiest part of creating your perfect picture wall but taking time to do your research and accurately measuring each frame will make all the difference and it will give your display a more professional look.
There are loads of helpful videos online to help you with this stage, for example House Beautiful’s video.
The final look.
You’re done! Take a step back and bask in the glory of your creation. Remember, one of the perks of a picture wall is that it’s not permanent. It’s so easy to change it up for different occasions and seasons. For example, Karen recommends switching out a picture frame for a beautiful olive wreath for Christmas and adding a little mirror in summer so that you can maximise natural light.
And there you have it, our top six tips for creating a dreamy picture wall. Good luck finding your perfect collection and transforming a bare wall!
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