Hosting Your First Christmas In Your New Home

Hosting Your First Christmas In Your New Home
When you move into your new home, there is an exciting list of 'firsts' to tick off - cooking your first meal, sleeping in a place that is completely yours and hosting your first party. Now, with winter here, it's time to think about Christmas.
Whether you're inviting the parents and family over or are going it alone with your partner or friends, we have some tips on how to make your first Christmas one to remember, for all the right reasons.
Decide on decor
Now you've found your own place, you have complete control over your Christmas decorations. No longer will you have to wait for your parents to tell you when you can put up the tree, and what goes where. If you're feeling overwhelmed on where to begin, a great place to start is to decide on your theme. 
A wintery white and silver pairing can bring an essence of elegance to your room, as well as plenty of light, whereas brassy oranges, mustard yellows and forest greens create a warming glow. Then again, maybe you want to reignite your childhood excitement with brightly coloured baubles and flashing fairy-lights. 
No matter what theme you've set your mind on, John Lewis has plenty of festive inspirations with everything from tradition reds, greens and wooden snowflakes, to quirky vegetable ornaments and neon lights. 
The big dinner
You may have cooked a Sunday roast before, but a Christmas meal can truly test your hosting skills. Preperation and timing are key - after all, nobody wants to tuck into cold sprouts. Writing a plan can help - include a checklist and set an alarm to remind you when to put everything in and, of course, take them out. A top time-saving trick is to parboil your veg the day before and then finish roasting it in the oven on the day. 
Always check whether your guests have any allergies or dietary requirements, so you can ensure the day runs smoothly as possible. When catering for vegetarians and vegans make sure you offer them plenty of choice throughout the meal - there are plenty recipes on websites such as Olive to help you. 
As well as prepping the veg on Christmas Eve, it is also worth getting your desserts ready and filling ice trays too, so you can spend more time with your loved ones when they visit. 
Finally, make sure you have enough space for everyone to sit down for dinner. An extendable table is a good option, but you may also need to borrow some extra chairs from friends, family or neighbours. 
Create new traditions
Your first Christmas in your new home is a great time to start new family traditions. If you have children, will you leave Santa milk and biscuits, or go one step further and place a snowy footprint outside the fireplace for a surprise? For couples, why not exchange Christmas jumpers of pyjamas the night before to help you get in the festive mood?
Decide how you want the day to run, whether this is by opening your presents when you wake up in the morning or gathering around the TV after lunch to watch festive films such as Home Alone or The Grinch. Whatever you decide to do, a new home is a chance to spend Christmas Day the way you've always wanted to. 
If you've started your own Christmas traditions in your new home, we'd love for you to share them with us on Twitter and Facebook.
