Top Tips For A Plastic-Free Household

Top Tips For A Plastic-Free Household

As a nation, we are all becoming more conscious of the shocking impact that single-use plastic has on the environment. There are many reasons as to why plastic is harmful to our planet including the fact that it doesn’t degrade meaning every bit of plastic made and not recycled still exists.


According to Plastic Free UK, many families throw away approximately 40kg of plastic a year which could otherwise be recycled. Cutting plastic out of our lives altogether is a tall order which is why we have shared our top tips to help reduce plastic usage around the home.


Say no to plastic bags

When buying fresh fruit and vegetables in the supermarket, opt for the loose option to avoid unnecessary plastic packaging. This is one of the simplest ways to cut down on plastic as well as food waste as you will only purchase what you need. Just remember to bring an eco-friendly bag to bring them home in. Since the 5p charge came into force in

Scotland back in 2014 followed by England in 2015, we have become more open minded about using reusable bags and taking one out with us is almost second nature now.


Choose glass as opposed to plastic

Tupperware is great when it comes to storing opened food and liquid however the downside to this is that the majority of options available are plastic. Try using glass jars where possible as glass is nontoxic and most importantly will last for years to come – as long as you don’t have a case of the old butter fingers! Another option would be to source a plastic-free alternative like Elephant Box which are sustainably sourced, eco-friendly and made from food grade stainless steel.


Conscious swaps

Have you ever thought about how many plastic bottles you use throughout the home that could be replaced by an environmentally friendly option? Websites such as Ethical Superstore give you the option to search for eco-friendly versions of your favourite day-to-day products including toiletries, cleaning products and food giving you control over your usage. No matter how small, making a change to your daily routine can still have a huge impact.


Homemade is the best

Condiments like sauces, dips and dressings tend to come in plastic single-use containers from the supermarket which can be recycled but more often than not the homemade version can taste better and involve less packaging waste by storing them in glass jars and bottles.  With lots of different recipes available online to make your own versions of the nation’s favourites, it’s a great way to put your own stamp on the classics and go plastic-free. Why not give Jamie Oliver’s recipe for Homemade Tomato Ketchup a go to get yourself started?


Use natural materials to clean up

If you need something with ultimate scrubbing power, choose a copper based brush as opposed to plastic. Cotton dishcloths are great as they can be washed and reused over and over again. Another handy tip when cleaning the home is to make your own products – this way you can wave goodbye to the plastic bottles and packaging. When mixed together, baking soda and vinegar form the perfect formula to clean, scour and disinfect your home and wash dishes without the need for plastic bottles.


We’d love to hear your tips for a plastic-free home! Tweet us at @MillerHomesUK.

