Fun Ways To Stay Cool In A Heatwave

Fun Ways To Stay Cool In A Heatwave

In the UK, we spend so much of our time thinking of ways to keep warm in cold weather, so a heatwave, like the one we’re currently experiencing, can really catch us out.

If you’re anything like us, you’ve probably ditched the thick duvet, opened the windows and got fans whirring around the house – but what else can you do to cool down, while also making the most of the glorious weather?


Below are just some of our favourite ways to have fun in the sun, but we’d love you to share your own pictures and suggestions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.



Invite the neighbours over for spritzers

Few things embody summer more than a fizzy, fruity spritzer, and they’re really easy to make. Adults can choose from alcoholic varieties like raspberry and rosé spritzers, or non-alcoholic versions, such as pomegranate mojito mocktails, and you can prepare most of it in advance. Simply mix together the fruit and alcohol (if using) in a jug and pop in the fridge, then serve with sparkling water and ice when your guests arrive. Don’t forget the kids too! Quirky accessories such as small colourful umbrellas and sparkly palm glitter sticks can bring the feel of holiday to your home and really put a smile on the children’s faces.



Discover a local lido

Lidos have become really popular in recent years, and when temperatures soar, it’s easy to see why. Across the UK, you’ll find everything from grand Victorian spas to natural seawater pools that are refreshed when the tide comes in.


Some of our developments are close to outdoor pools, including Eyre View in Chesterfield, which is less than half an hour’s drive from Hathersage Pool in Derbyshire’s Peak District, and the soon-to-be-unveiled Scholars Place in Gloucester, which is near Sandford Parks Lido in Cheltenham.



Water fight!

Water fights are always fun, and it’s easy to get all the kids (and big kids) in the street involved. Even if a hosepipe ban isn’t introduced across the country this summer, nobody wants to waste water unnecessarily, so opt for water bombs or re-use old squeezy bottles instead. Check out Pinterest for more outdoor water games ideas.



Take a refreshing stroll

Get some much-needed respite from the heat by discovering the woodland trails on your doorstep, or head to the coast for a breath of cooling sea air and a splash in the sea. Our Augustus Grange development in Farnsfield, for example, is a short drive from the legendary Sherwood Forest, and many others are close to National Trust gardens that offer plenty of shaded routes.

If you like to be beside the seaside, then take a look at our coastal developments, including Ferrygate Meadow in North Berwick, Shoreland Park in Northumberland and The Beeches at Bracklesham Bay near Chichester.


Summer-inspired recipes

Nobody wants to be stood over a hot cooker during a heatwave, so why not try out some Mediterranean and Middle Eastern-inspired dishes? Grill something delicious on the barbecue and prepare a salad drizzled with olive oil and lemon to accompany it, then sit back and enjoy long evenings dining al fresco.


There are plenty of simple ways to get the kids involved in preparing things to eat – but making ice lollies from blitzed fruit always goes down a treat.   


Last but not least, don’t listen to the naysayers who complain that the weather is ‘too hot’. We know it won’t last forever, so apply your sunscreen and get out and about this summer! 


