Informed investorsInformed investors

Informed investors

We are committed to publishing our ESG targets and our progresson an annual basis. In the table below you will find outlined our ESGcommitments, the targets we have put in place, the timescales we are workingto, and our progress to date.

Building Responsibly

By when
2022 progress
2023 progress
An 80% Reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions By 2031 - ongoing 5% reduction * 17% reduction*
To assess Scope 3 emissions and set a Net Zero target Net Zero Target to be set during 2023 Scope 3 assessment completed Net Zero Targets agreed and sent to SBTI for approval
Diversion of waste from landfill of 98% By 2025 Achieved 98% Achieved 98%
Diversion of waste from landfill of 100% By 2030 Achieved 98% Achieved 98%
Recycling rate of 75% By 2025 Achieved 81% Achieved 83%
Recycling rate of 85% By 2030 Achieved 81% Achieved 83%
Reduction in waste per EBU End 2023


Pilots underway to assist with target-setting


Sustainable Living

By when
2022 progress
2023 progress
100% of our electricity supplies from renewable sources By 2024 Achieved 65% ** Achieved 90%**
100% timber obtained from sustainable sources Annual 100% of Group’s timber suppliers hold PEFC or FSC certification 100% of Group's timber suppliers hold PEFC or FSC certification

Quality Homes

By when
2022 progress
2023 progress
To achieve an annual Construction Quality Rate of 4.2  Annual Achieved 4.5 4.6

Healthy Communities

By when
2022 progress
2023 progress
To increase engagement in local communities through enhanced charity funding and employ interest By 2023 Established Community Fund Over 40% of staff engaged in activities
Target of annual donations of £200,000 per annum By 2023 Donated £158,000 Donated £240,000
To increase year on year the number of homes which are affordable to the customers in their markets Annual 2022: 26% / 1034 homes 26%
Enhanced measures for nature
By 2023 Ongoing Commitment to 1 extra measure per plot

Happy Customers

By when
2022 progress
2023 progress
Achieve higher than 90% in HBF Customer Satisfaction Survey Annual 91.1% 92%

Informed Investors

By when
2022 progress
2023 progress
Commitment to publish annual ESG targets and progress against targets Annual Achieved Achieved

Thriving Teams

By when
2022 progress
2023 progress
Safety first / Reduction in AIRs Annual 2022: 459
2021: 535
2023: 279
ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 accreditation Annual Renewed in 2021 for a 3 year period On track for renewal in 2024
Improve Health and Wellbeing of all staff over a 5 year period By 2025 Refreshed the strategy during 2022 Ongoing
Wholesale review of employee benefits By 2023 Ongoing Ongoing
Number of skills training days to increase to 4 days per employee By end of 2024 2.86 days 3.16 days
Attain IIP Platinum status By 2023 Achieved Full employee engagement survey in 2024
Increase the percentage of female employees By 2026 30.3% in 2022
30.4% in 2021

Valued Partners

By when
2022 progress
2023 progress
Responsible supplier and subcontractor policies By 2023 Ongoing Policies published 

*Figures do not include Walker Timber emissions and are reported on a market basis. Absolute emissions are shown without normalisation for production variance.

**Figures do not include Walker Timber which also secured a REGO-backed contract during 2023. Percentage shown is for directly contracted energy supplies.

Annual report

Find out more about our financial and non-financial performance in 2023.
