Three ways to keep the family active at home

You can’t beat the great outdoors and, during the last year especially, many of us have spent time outside enjoying daily family strolls to local parks or beauty spots.
But, as nice as those walks may be, it can be good to mix up your routine and try something new. So, here are our top three ways to keep your family active from the comfort of your home.
Boogie sessions
It’s safe to say, we’ve all missed going to parties and dancing until our feet ache. So why not bring the party home?
Take that same ‘party energy’ we all know and love and incorporate it into your daily routines. A quick boogie, even if it’s just 15-minutes in the living room, and you’ll have shaken all the cobwebs of your lockdown day away. Not to mention, you’ll have burned a few calories while having fun. Now who can say that?
To add to the party atmosphere, switch on any fairy lights you have hanging around the house, close the curtains and switch on the music. Don’t be afraid to get dressed up in your favourite party gear too. Just make sure you’re still able to do lunges and star jumps safely.
And who knows, your little ones might just find a new hobby or passion for dance too.
Playground fun
Cast your mind back and think back to your days on the school playground, playing hopscotch, jumping rope and throwing a ball. It never felt like exercise, did it?
Show the kids a trick or two, by demonstrating your playground skills at home. Skipping for example, helps to both strengthen muscles, improves speed and agility, and increases motor coordination – all great for growing kids. While hopscotch helps children to master body control, rhythm and balance and helps to build body strength too.
There are plenty of skipping ropes available online to buy, as well as chalk to craft your own hopscotch grid. It’s a simple, yet effective way to get the kids away from their screens for a short period, and will encourage them to take in some fresh air.
Themed re-enactments
Kids love nothing more than dressing up and playing a role. So why not channel that excitement into a theatrical performance of your favourite character?
Think superheroes, creatures from the wild, your favourite fictional storybook characters or a time-traveller from a different decade – get your little ones to put on a mini performance and act out something from their character’s lives. It doesn’t need to be complicated or well thought out, it’s just a simple tactic that will get them off the sofa and up on their feet.
Like dancing, it might unlock a new talent, boost their confidence skills and, importantly, it’s quality time you’ll spend together.
If you have any special ways to get your family active, share them with us over on our Facebook or Twitter channels.