Why a little self-care goes a long way
Taking good care ourselves is important at all times of our lives, but the emphasis on self-care has become especially important during 2020 when there have been many new challenges and situations for us to face.
Spending more time in our homes has meant that people have found new ways to work, spend their free time and also prioritise their health and wellbeing; after all, being fit and well is a huge positive making us better equipped to cope with whatever life throws at us.
As we look forward to a winter where time spent within our homes will still be unusually high for many, here are a few thoughts on how you can indulge in a little self-care and reap the benefits.
Sleep on it
Sleep is one of the greatest healers for us humans! It has restorative properties that can make a huge difference on both physical and mental wellbeing. Proven to aid memory, boost your immune system and maximise your performance the following day, the benefits of getting a regular and good quantity amount of sleep each day are not to be underestimated. Experts tell us that between 7 and 9 hours are an optimum amount for adults. Going to bed and getting up at the same times each day help massively (so no lying in for hours no matter how tempting! and a cool, dark room with a break from ‘blue light’ – ie anything with a screen - two hours before lights out will permit the best quality sleep.
Explore from your door
Fresh air can help clear busy minds, especially useful if your home has also become your place of work; a scenario that for many is not ideal. Going for a daily walk of even just half an hour or so can help with mobility and has been proven to help reduce stress and aid weight loss. Walking from your front door, whether that’s in a rural idyll or a busy city, also gives you the opportunity to explore new areas close to where you live and perhaps share a cheery ‘Hello’ or pass the time of day with neighbours and those in your community (socially distanced, of course).
Time for a distraction
Learning a new task can distract us from work, money worries, family concerns or from just feeling down about the number of restrictions currently placed upon us. By learning a new task, playing a game that requires concentration such as chess, doing a jigsaw or crocheting, our minds are occupied with something else and those other, more stressful thoughts are temporarily banished, giving us a clearer focus afterwards. People have discovered lots of new hobbies during 2020, revisited old ones, or perhaps discovered the enjoyment of a childhood hobby such as colouring. The relaxing process of the combination of paper and felt tip pens, or a game of Hungry Hippos is never to be under-estimated! Even though the latter doesn’t require too much concentration, it’s still a great distraction!
Pamper, pamper, pamper
So, your hair may be looking a little ragged round the edges once again as hairdressers close, but a little pamper at home is easily achievable. There are some fantastic products available on the high street (through their online retail options) and DIY beauty treatments can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home. Or, you could raid the kitchen and make your own products if you’re looking to economise a little. Turn your bathroom into your very own beauty salon and you’ll feel like a million dollars whether you have half an hour to spend or half a day!
Always good to talk
It’s an age old cliché but it really is good to talk. Getting a problem out in the open air often seems to diminish how huge it seemed before. Friends and family can be great sounding boards or, if you feel that you would prefer a more independent pair of ears, then there are lots of services available that can help with lots of problems such as financial issues and loneliness. And, even if you’re just craving some company, pick up the phone, arrange a Zoom call or Facetime someone. You’ll find that more often than not they will be glad that you took the time for them, and you’ll feel better too.
As we continue through unchartered waters, taking care of yourself should be top of your priority list. After all, there’s only one you.