Savvy And Stylish Storage Solutions

Here at Miller Homes, we've been on the hunt for clever ways to store possessions and keep everyday clutter at bay.
From discovering decluttering solutions in Good Housekeeping tips to trawling through hashtags on Instagram (#storageideas is a particularly satisfying one to follow) we've got some top tips that will help you get super organised!
Sleep on it
With shelves and drawers built into headboards and under beds, you can sleep easy in a tidy room. Smart divan or Ottoman beds often include storage spaces, meaning there's no unsightly plastic boxes peeking out from under the bed. These are ideal for storing bedding and towels.
Be practical when buying furniture and look for key items that also have handy storage spaces. For example - a radiator cover that doubles as a book shelf, a footstool that can also store blankets and a media stand that acts as a focal point in the living room and hides unsightly cables.
Thanks to the team over at IKEA hackers, you can now make clever alterations to your furniture to suit your needs. The website has a whole host of inspiration and ideas to get you started from suspended kitchen shelves to cool ways to store vinyl.
New address: Electric Avenue
We are well and truly in the digital age. For those that hold onto paper files and documents, there are now apps such as Evernote to store information. Notes, documents and images can all be stored on the app and accessed from home or on the move. For book hoarders and magazine collectors, you can make the clever switch to e-books to dramatically increase the storage space in your home. You could even use the extra space for a shelfie...
Think outside the cabinet
There's more to storage than sleek cabinets. Check out The Kitchn's handy guide to obvious storage spaces you're not using - mixing our favourite IKEA hacks with areas hiding in plain sight, your ordinary kitchen crockery can become a feature in its own right and free up cupboard space.
We'd love to see how you've made clever steps to increase storage space in your home. Show us over on @MillerHomesUK and join the conversation.
27 June 2019