First Time Buyer Checklist

First Time Buyer Checklist
Moving into your new home is the start of an exciting chapter in your life, but before you get your keys, there are a few important things you need to check off your list.
From reserving and saving your pennies, to budgeting an organising your paperwork, here are a few helpful tips to get you on the property ladder.
Get organised
A large part of the reserving and buying journey comes down to how organised you are; whether that's managing your finances or researching solicitors, it can be a time-consuming process which is why it's important to be prepared!
Thinking budgeting for a deposit and making sure you have enough left over for purchasing furniture down the line and don't forget about government-backed Help to Buy scheme too, which could help you get on the property ladder quicker.
Once your finances are in order, it's a good idea to start looking into solicitors - whether that's through a mutual friend, developer's recommendation or a separate company you've located yourself. Bear in mind that the cheapest quote isn't always the best option, but it's important to do some extensive research and compare costs.
Save, save, save

It's never too early to start saving, and no amount is too small - from £1 here and there, to £50+ every monthly pay day - whatever works for you.

It's a good idea to figure out early how much you spend each month, taking the time to set out what you earn and the cost of your regular outgoings. You might find areas where you can cut back and save money towards a deposit or later down the line - that chest of drawers you've got your eyes on.
Be sensible with your estimates too, and also factor in a little leeway to cover any unexpected costs such as car breakdowns. During this time, you'll also be investigating potential mortgages -  think carefully about monthly payments and spreading the cost. You'll find a number of handy budget calculators online, just like this one.
When you've agreed a mortgage with your lender and have a solicitor up and running, there will be a variety of admin tasks added to your list - don't be daunted by the process though, when you've done it once, that's usually it checked off your list!
Documents such as scanned copies of your passport, financial information and bank statements are often required, so try and have a few copies to hand, just in case.
Part of the housebuying process is about being patient. With so many people involved, from solicitors to lenders, it can be a waiting game. once you've sent off your documents, sit tight and wait for the go-ahead from all parties. If you're on a deadline to exchange and complete, don't be afraid to give those handling your case a nudge.
Above all, buying your first home is a really exciting chapter in your life and one to be remembered. If you have any fond memories of your housebuying journey, or some great tips share them with us on our social media channels Instagram and Facebook, or visit the Miller Homes website.
